Hates Me

I have a summer project to read a book a week.  I just finished The Far Enemy by Fawaz Gerges, about trends in the jihad movement, and have moved on to Countdown by T.A. Heppenheimer, about the space race.  I thought I would start on a list of books I might want to get to this summer and went to to browse their non-fiction section for ideas.  Then I noticed that almost every category under “political science” begins with Glenn Beck’s new book which, I gather, is an exercise in anti-intellectual, pro-whiteman self-pity.  Under the “Women’s Studies” category the first 3 books listed are What to Expect When You’re Expecting, Mommywood which is by Tori Spelling, and an audiobook about one night stands.  I have no idea what planet you must live on to consider these books ‘women’s studies’.  Also – under the “abortion and birth control” category, the top twelve books include 4 that are obviously anti-choice based on their titles (including a book called The Party of Death in reference to the Democrats and their love of abortions), and at least 2 on eugenics.  Delightful.


I think it’s disgusting that Amazon has arranged it’s website to look like Sarah Palin’s bookshelf (if she even owns enough books to fill a shelf).  I guess I shouldn’t be surprised after the story regarding Amazon’s purge of gay titles from it’s webpage, but I admit that this really disappoints.  


– E

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